+1 (877) 235-9694
No percentages here.
Not every business is the same, why should your hiring methods be?
Fancy way of saying we can meet your needs anytime, anywhere.
Over 65% of employers report that their companies have been effected by a bad hire. The average cost of a bad hire is typically between 1.5 and 3x’s that employee’s base salary. This includes things like lost productivity, wages, and advertising. What if we could reduce your employee turnover cost by one?
Base Salary $25,000 x 1.5 = $37,500
Base Salary $25,000 x 3 = $75,000
Unfortunately most companies do not use external recruiting services because of the high cost. They typically charge 10 – 30% of base salary in fees. Kind of defeats the purpose doesn’t it?
Lets take a look at some of the most common reasons why companies make bad hires.
By getting to know you, we can identify and develop a personalized solution that will learn and grow with your company for an one affordable, flat rate fee. Regardless of salary.
We use the most popular job posting sites, social media, and recruiting networks for a trifecta of candidate sourcing.
Our comprehensive screening process uses input that you provide because let’s face it, nobody knows your company better than you.
Using the data that we have collected, we match companies with the most ideal candidates available.
Once the candidates have been screened and the client has reviewed our analysis we will arrange for an interview to take place.
We will follow up after the interview to find out if the candidate met your expectations. We also use this information to find out how we could made better matches.
This is the final step in the process and probably the most important. We use all of the information gathered throughout to improve the entire process and become more effective at what we do.
“Start with good people, lay out the rules, communicate with you employees, motivate them and reward them. If you do all those things effectively, you can’t miss.”
Lee Iacocca